Motherly Love groups are facilitated by women that have experienced maternal mental illness and know how hard adapting to motherhood can be.

Motherly Love groups are a safe space to open up to other women about how you are truly feeling. It is an opportunity to focus on yourself in a group that enables you to share thoughts and feelings that you might not feel comfortable talking about to friends and family.

  • In Person Groups

    WHERE - Back to Ours (Good Shepherd Studios), 15a Davies Lane, Leytonstone, E11

    WHEN - Drop In Wednesdays (term time only), 1-2:30pm


Drop in - no need to arrive on time, or stay for the whole session.

Kids under one welcome. Message us to discuss if your child is older.

Chaperones welcome to help you get through the door - we know how daunting it feels that first time.

Toys for babies. Changing facilities. Space for prams.

Refreshments for parents.


5 minute walk from Leytonstone High Road Station.